Since 1995, a small team of Italian researchers have been conducting a long-term study of the southern elephant seal population of Sea Lion Island. The programme collects information on the many aspects of southern elephant seals biology, including demography, ecology, behaviour, physiology and genetics. More recently, ESRG’s research has extended to monitoring the killer whales to understand their relationship with the elephant seals.

Whilst out and about on the beaches you may come across ESRG researchers – they are more than happy to explain about their activities and research to all our visitors. The study involves marking a name on each seal with a harmless dye at the start of each summer. The dye is temporary and fades during the annual moult. For more information on the research project go to Drs Filippo Galimberti & Simona Sanvito’s Elephant Seal Research Group:

The ESRG webpage also features drone images and videos of the hunting killer whales at Sea Lion Island (obtained under scientific permit from Falkland Islands Government).

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To book or to make further enquiries please call Micky (+00500) 32004 or email  For details of pricing, dates and other important information, click below.

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  • Tel: (500) 32004 | Email:
    Sea Lion Lodge, Sea Lion Island, Falklands Islands, South Atlantic T (500) 32004 F (500) 32003